National Weather Service Alerts for Taylor County, Texas
Serve and Protect Your Community

Our Mission
Mission Statement:
"To protect and serve our community with dedication, professionalism, and compassion through effective fire prevention, emergency response, and public safety education."
Purpose Statement:
"The Buffalo Gap Volunteer Fire Department is committed to safeguarding lives, property, and the environment by providing prompt, efficient, and proficient fire suppression, rescue, and medical services. Our purpose is rooted in integrity, teamwork, and continuous improvement as we strive to enhance the safety and well-being of the residents and visitors of Buffalo Gap and its surrounding areas."
52 Guns in 52 Weeks Raffle
BGVFD Auxillary, November 07
The Buffalo Gap Volunteer Fire Department, 52 Guns in 52 Weeks Raffle is awarding one gun every week for an ENTIRE YEAR to the winning ticket holder!
Raffle Tickets are on sale now and the first drawing will be Friday, 2 May 2025 with a new drawing made each week over the next 52 weeks.
Proceeds will benefit the Buffalo Gap Volunteer Fire Department and will help maintain and/or purchase replacement ... (Full Story & Photos)
Donations for the operational costs of the Buffalo Gap Volunteer Fire Department
You can now easily become a contributor to your community Volunteer Fire Department.
Buffalo Gap Volunteer Fire Department (BGVFD) is 100% donation/grant-funded and 100% Volunteer Staffed organization. We rely on community and individual donations as well as periodic fundraisers to met our operational costs.
Donations can be dropped off at City Hall during normal business hours. Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Additionally BGVFD now has an On-Line Internet and Mobile Phone Text donation capability. Any amount is greatly appreciated plus you now have the option to Give-As-We-Go by scheduling small monthly donations using our new On-Line Internet donation site, below.
100% of your donation will go to Buffalo Gap Volunteer Fire Department's operational expenses, equipment maintenance, and for the replacement of unserviceable equipment.
Every-Penny-Counts just as Every-Second-Counts when it comes to providing aid to someone in need.
If you have ever tried to jump-start a dead battery in a fire truck or start a gas motor for a hydraulic pump for jaws-of-life tool, you definitely would understand the importance of maintained and serviceable equipment when every second makes a difference.
Please contribute today by clicking on the link below:
Link to Donation Page